Solar concentrator steam generators
Around 25% of the total energy used in industrialized countries is consumed as heat, much of it generated by burning fossil fuels.
Our Solar concentrators are flat floor level mounted and work by focusing the sun’s rays on a water pipe to generate steam. The solar steam generator uses microcontroller controlled motors to pivot an array of mirror strips at the base of the structure to track the sun automatically maintaining optimal solar concentration on the pipe throughout the day.
Not having parabolic reflectors simplifies designs as there is virtually no wind load on the steam generator structure. The reflector structure is on the floor level and accessible so repair, modification and maintenance are easy to do.
The steam produced has many uses, some of which include: cooking, sterilization, pasteurization, distillation, chemical processes, heating, and extraction of essential oils, water purification, and wood treatment
Solar steamgenerators cancomplement gas or grid powered steamgenerators togenerate steam. The steam generated using solar energy can be stored in pressurized tanks for use during times when there is no solar radiation.